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Zunoliza A, Khalid H, Zhari I, Rasadah MA, Mazura P, Fadzureena J, et al. Evaluation of extracts of leaf of three Ficus deltoidea varieties for antioxidant activities and secondary metabolites. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):216-223.
Evaluation of Extracts of Piper Sarmentosum for Accelerated Stability by Metabolomic Fingerprint Profiling. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):185-191.
Trivedi A, Mishra S.. Evaluation of Haematinic Potential of a Herbomineral Formulation (HMF-TE) in Haloperidol Induced Anaemic Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):192-196.
C DP, François N, F HM, Rene NE, Gilles N, Elisabeth C, et al. GC-MS Analysis of Terpenes from Ficus mucuso. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):192-201.
Kiliçgün H, Dehen A. In vitro Antioxidant Effect of Rosa canina in Different Antioxidant Test Systems. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(6):417-420.
Sánchez PL, Betty M, Ivis RA, Lilliam P. Intestinal absorption, anti diarrheic activity of freeze dried aqueous extract from Rhizophora mangle L. Cytoprotective activity of polyphenolic compounds fractions on experimental gastric ulceration. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(5):285-293.
A AK, Fahem A, A EM, A AI. Investigation of the Flavonoidal Constituents and Insecticidal activity of Teucrium zanonii. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(6):410-416.
Sunita P., Jha S., Pattanayak S.. In-vivo Antitussive Activity of Cressa cretica Linn. using Cough Model in Rodents. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(3):157-161.
Radhika K, Ara DM. Iron in Highbush Blueberries and It’s Effect in Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) Assay. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):166-171.
Vandana J, Achal T, Lal H, KS L. Lipid Constituents from Cissus quadrangularis Leaves. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):231-233.
Gaur A, Bhatia A.. Modulation of Phosphatase Levels in Mice Liver by Genistein Treatment against Radiation Exposure. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(2):72-79.
K M, K B, Sarah K, Maheshwara RC. Modulatory Effect of Erythrina vareigata on Experimental Hyperlipidaemia in Male Wistar Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):202-207.
Jun C, Bang-xing H, Shang-bin G, Yan W, Jia H, Xiao-kun Z, et al. Molluscicidal activity against Oncomelania hupensis of endophyte JJ18 from Pseudolarix kaempferi Gord. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(6):421-427.
Hosny M, Ragab EA, Mohammed AE, Shaheen UY. New secoiridoids from Ligustrum ovalifolium and their hypotensive activity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(2):91-97.
Thakur A, Jain V, Hingorani L., Laddha K.. Phytochemical Studies on Cissus quadrangularis Linn. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):213-215.
B VO, G MA, Dietmar G, Karsten K, G FS, M AA. Phytoconstituents from Alpinia purpurata and their in vitro inhibitory activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(5):261-269.
R CV, V UY, S S, N PK, N P, R VK. Possible Role of Natural Nephroprotective; Hemidesmus indicus in Congestive Heart Failure. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(6):367-374.
MC T, RN J, , VB P, RV D, AV R. Potential of Sida rhomboidea.Roxb Leaf Extract in Controlling Hypertriglyceridemia in Experimental Models. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):208-212.
Mazura M., Ling S.. Preliminary Studies on Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Activity of Selected Malaysian Medicinal Plants. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(1):1-3.
L C-, M VI. Preparation of Philippine Plant Extract Libraries for High- Throughput Screening. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):228-230.
Hussain K., Ismail Z., Sadikun A., Ibrahim P.. Proximate and Qualitative Analysis of Different parts of Piper sarmentosum, and Quantification of Total Amides in Various Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(3):113-119.
J GV, G PB. Psychotropic Activity of Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. In Experimental Animals. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(5):307-313.
B.V.S L, M S. Screening of Psidium guajava Leaf Extracts for Antistress Activity in Different Experimental Animal Models. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(6):359-366.
HN AR, Ujjwal K, Prachiti L, CS S. Standardisation of Avipattikar Churna- A Polyherbal Formulation. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(4):224-227.
G.I O, C.O O, A.S O, N.R K. Studies on the Effect of Processing Methods on the Antihyperglycemic activity of Herbal Teas from Leaves of Vernonia amygdalina Del. Pharmacognosy Research. 2009;1(5):256-260.
