Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 03/19/2025 - 15:52
- Phyto-Analytical Studies and in vitro Wound Healing Activity of Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn Leaf Extract
- Phytopharmacological Insights into Ricinus communis: A Comprehensive Overview
- Standardization and GC-MS Analysis of Phytochemicals in Coccinia indica (Wight and Arn.) Fruits
- An Evaluation of the Oral Toxicity of Shwaskas Chintamani Rasa in Wistar Rats for 90-Days Repeated Administration
- Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Plectranthus amboinicus: LC-MS Profiling and Molecular Docking Insights
- A Comprehensive Review of Phytochemical and Pharmacological Appraisal of Cassia fistula Linn
- Syringic Acid Ameliorates Bleomycin Induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis in Rats via Maintenance of Endogenous Antioxidants and Downregulation of Pro-Inflammatory Markers
- Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Natural Products in Obesity Treatment: Molecular Mechanisms and Isolation Techniques
- Interaction between Anti Diabetic Drugs and Herbs: A Review
- Cyperus esculentus Ameliorates Cadmium Chloride Induced Testicular Toxicity in Male Rats Following Male Reproductive Hormone, Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Analysis
- Unearthing the Modulatory Operations of Phytochemicals: A Reliable Framework for Therapeutic Approaches
- Recent Advances in Transdermal Drug Delivery System and its Utilization in Herbal Medicines
- Assessment of Quality Control Parameters of Erandamoola Kwatha, Dhanvantari Taila and Yogaraja Guggulu in the Management of Non-specific Backache
- Bioactive Constituents of Curcuma amada Roxb. Rhizome and its Antimicrobial Activity against Food Spoilage Microorganisms
- Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Secamone emetica: Characterization and Assessment of Antioxidant, Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Cancer Activities against MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells
- Bioactive Compounds in Inocutis levis and their Cytotoxic Effects on MCF-7 and HT-29 Cancer Cells