ArticlesAbstractPharmacognosy Research,2025,17,2,1-5.DOI:10.5530/pres.20252077Published:April 2025Type:Review ArticleAuthors:Seema Devi Author(s) affiliations:Seema Devi* Department of Pharmacognosy, Chandigarh Pharmacy College, Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC), Jhanjeri, Mohali, Punjab, INDIA. Abstract:The quality control of herbal drugs is a critical aspect of ensuring their safety, efficacy and reliability. The complex composition of herbal products, influenced by environmental, genetic and processing factors, necessitates robust analytical approaches. This review highlights recent advancements (2020-2024) in quantitative and qualitative methods for herbal drug quality control. Quantitative methods, such as HPLC, GC, and NMR spectroscopy, focus on the precise measurement of bioactive compounds, ensuring batch-to-batch consistency. Complementary to these are qualitative methods, including DNA barcoding, TLC and phytochemical screening, which authenticate botanical sources and detect adulterants. The integration of these methodologies provides a comprehensive framework for quality assessment, addressing both compositional consistency and authenticity. Despite advancements, challenges such as variability in raw materials and the lack of universal standards persist. This review underscores the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to overcome these challenges and standardize quality control practices globally. By leveraging recent technological innovations, the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies can ensure the safety and efficacy of herbal medicines, fostering consumer confidence and adherence to regulatory requirements. Keywords:Bioactive compounds, Chromatographic techniques, DNA Barcoding, Herbal, Plants, Qualitative, Quality control, Quantitative, Regulatory Standards, SpectrometryView:PDF (166.47 KB) PDF Thumbnails Document Outline Search Document Find Toggle Sidebar Previous Next Page: Fullscreen Print Download Current View Zoom Out Zoom In Automatic Zoom Actual Size Fit Page Full Width 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 200% More Information Less Information Close Click here to download the PDF file. Images compounds with low volatility. Recent developments in GC technology, such as improved detectors and the combination with MS, have enhanced the precision of this method.[ KeywordsBioactive CompoundsChromatographic TechniquesDNA BarcodingHerbalPlantsQualitativeQuality ControlQuantitativeRegulatory StandardsSpectrometry ‹ In vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Hardwickia binata Roxbs against Human Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7 and Human Cervical Cancer Cell Line HeLa up Microscopical Investigation of Punica Granatum L. Flower: A Traditional Drug with Vivid Therapeutic Promise ›