ArticlesAbstractPharmacognosy Research,2025,17,1,100-107.DOI:10.5530/pres.20251936Published:January 2025Type:Original ArticleAuthors:Millerlandy Popayan Jaramillo, David Vollmer, and Xuesheng Han Author(s) affiliations:Millerlandy Popayan Jaramillo*, David Vollmer, Xuesheng Han Department of Research and Development, 4Life Research LLC, Sandy, Utah, USA. Abstract:Background: Weight loss medications can have severe side effects and thus there is a need to identify safe and effective alternative treatments. Dietinduced thermogenesis and a potential stimulation of fat metabolism might be achieved by consumption of certain foods. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of a Thermogenic Composition (TC) composed of dihydrocapsiate, red pepper (Capsicum annuum), citrus (Citrus spp.) peel extract, Coleus forskohlii and African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) to support body composition, weight management and improve satiety in healthy adults. Methods: Thirty-six participants were instructed to take TC daily over a 12-week interval. Body composition, energy levels, feelings of hunger and satiety were measured. Results: Body Fat percentage showed significant reduction at week 7 and 12 compared to week 0. Waist to Hip Ratio results showed significant reduction at week 7 compared to week 0. Feelings of Hunger and Feelings of Fullness showed significant improvement at week 3, 7 and 12 compared to week 0. Desire to Eat showed a significant reduction at week 3,7 and 12 compared to week 0. Appetite showed significant reduction at week 7 and 12 compared to week 0. Conclusion: TC showed significant improvements in hunger cravings and feelings of fullness as well as significant reduction in percent body fat and waist to hip ratio. The good safety and tolerability profile of TC supported its use as a daily nutritional supplement for weight management and body composition. Keywords:African mango (Irvingia gabonensis), Citrus (Citrus spp) peel extract, Coleus forskohlii, dihydrocapsiate, Red pepper (Capsicum annuum), ThermogenesisView:PDF (317.83 KB) PDF Thumbnails Document Outline Search Document Find Toggle Sidebar Previous Next Page: Fullscreen Print Download Current View Zoom Out Zoom In Automatic Zoom Actual Size Fit Page Full Width 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 200% More Information Less Information Close Click here to download the PDF file. Images Percent body fat for all participants at week 0, 3, 7 and 12. p values indicate the significance of differences compared to week 0. KeywordsAfrican mango (Irvingia gabonensis)Citrus (Citrus spp) peel extractColeus forskohliidihydrocapsiateRed pepper (Capsicum annuum)Thermogenesis ‹ High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Methods for Estimation of Chemical Markers in Stachytarpheta indica Vahl. up Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Sphaeranthus amaranthoides: Drug Loading and Anticancer Properties in Nanomedicine ›