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Gupta AM, Patil GI, Tippanawar HK, Jain A, Jaggi N, Gupta RK, et al. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder and alternative medicine therapies among dentists of North India: A descriptive study. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(4):350-354.
Mathur R., Dutta S, Velpandian T., Mathur S.. Psidium guajava Linn. Leaf Extract Affects Hepatic Glucose Transporter‑2 to Attenuate Early Onset of Insulin Resistance Consequent to High Fructose intake: An Experimental Study. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(2):166-175.
Tadesse A, Hymete A, Bekhit AA, Mohammed SF. Quantification of Total Polyphenols, Catechin, Caffeine, L-theanine, Determination of Antioxidant Activity and Effect on Antileishmanial Drugs of Ethiopian Tea Leaves Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(5s):s7-s14.
Asghari G, Palizban A, Bakhshaei B. Quantitative Analysis of the Nutritional Components in Leaves and Seeds of the Persian Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(3):242-248.
Bounda G‑, YU F. Review of clinical studies of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. and its isolated bioactive compounds. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(3):225-236.
Christapher PV, Parasuraman S, Christina JM, Asmawi M., Vikneswaran M. Review on Polygonum minus. Huds, a commonly used food additive in Southeast Asia. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(1):1-6.
Mohammadi A., T. Sani A, Ameri A., Imani M., Golmakani E., Kamali H.. Seasonal variation in the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content of Artemisia absinthium essential oils. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(4):329-334.
Shetty K., Kali A, Shetty K.. Serum Total Aantioxidant Capacity in Oral Carcinoma Patients. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(2):184-187.
Doshi GM, Nalawade1 VV, Mukadam AS, Chaskar PK, Zine SP, Somani RR, et al. Structural elucidation of chemical constituents from Benincasa hispida seeds and Carissa congesta roots by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(3):282-293.
Singh V, Ali M, Upadhyay S. Study of Colouring Effect of Herbal Hair Formulations on Graying Hair. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(3):259-262.
Y Reddy P, Chandrasekhar KB, Sadiq MJ. A Study of Nigella sativa Induced Growth Inhibition of MCF and HepG2 cell lines: An anti-neoplastic Study along with its Mechanism of Action. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(2):193-197.
Owumi SE, Oloidi AC, Oloye CO, Oladeji OO, Obadare MO, Odunola OA. Toxicological and phytoprotective effect of Keayodendron bridelioides and Monodora myristica extracts in Wister rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2015;7(5s):26-33.
Ahmed F, Chandra J., Manjunath S.. Acetylcholine and Memory-Enhancing Activity of Ficus racemosa Bark. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;3(4):246-249.
Ponnuraj SP, Siraj SK, Noh J-, Kim Y-, Yang D-. Amelioration of Insulin Resistance by Rk 1 + Rg 5 Complex Under Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Conditions. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(4):292-296.
Ranjbar A, Mohsenzadeh F, Chehregani A, Khajavi F, Zijoud S-, Ghasemi H. Ameliorative Effect of Matricaria chamomilla.L on Paraquat: Induced Oxidative Damage in Lung Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(3):199-203.
Joseph JA, Ayyappan UP, Sasidharan SR, Mutyala S, Goudar KS, Agarwal A. Ameliorative Effect of Phytocee™ Cool Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Oxidative Stress. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(4):320-325.
Zarshenas MM, Samani SM, Petramfar P, Moein M. Analysis of the Essential Oil Components from Different Carum copticumL. Samples from Iran. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(1):62-66.
Murata K, Abe Y, Shinohara K, Futamura-Masuda M, Uwaya A, Isami F, et al. Anti-allergic Activity of the Morinda citrifolia Extract and its Constituents. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(3):260-265.
Abokyi S, Koffuor GA, Kyei S, Asiamah EA, Atobiga CN, Awuah A. Antiallergic Effect of an Aqueous Leaf Extract of Pistia Stratiotes in Murine Model of Ovalbumin-induced Allergic Conjunctivitis. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(4):274-279.
Ameyaw EO, Woode E, Boakye-Gyasi E, Abotsi WK, Kyekyeku JO, Adosraku RK. Anti-allodynic and Anti-hyperalgesic Effects of an Ethanolic Extract and Xylopic Acid from the Fruits of Xylopia aethiopica in Murine Models of Neuropathic Pain. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(2):172-179.
Chinthala Y, Chinde S, kumar AN, Srinivas K., Kumar JK, Sastry KP, et al. Anticancer Active Homoisoflavone from the Underground Bulbs of Ledebouria hyderabadensis. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(4):303-305.
Kumar PS, Febriyanti RM, Sofyan FF, Luftimas DE, Abdulah R. Anticancer Potential of Syzygium aromaticum L. in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(4):350-354.
Samarghandian S, Borji A. Anticarcinogenic Effect of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and its Ingredients. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(2):99-107.
Gupta G, Afzal M, David SR, Verma R, Candaswamy M, Anwar F. Anticonvulsant Activity of Morus alba and its Effect on Brain Bamma-aminobutyric Acid Level in Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(2):188-189.
Sahoo HB, Sahoo SK, Sarangi SP, Sagar R, Kori ML. Anti-diarrhoeal Investigation from Aqueous Extract of Cuminum cyminum Linn. Seed in Albino Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2014;6(3): 204-209.
