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Lagisetty U, Mohammed H, Ramaiah S. Effect of Capsaicin on Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics of Gliclazide in Animal models with Diabetes. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):437-441.
Prathoshni SM, Anitha R, Lakshmi T. The Effect of Capsicum Oleoresin on Nitric Oxide Production and Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression in Macrophage Cell Line. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):343-346.
Gram DY, Atasever A, Eren M. Effect of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Seed Oil on Carbon Tetrachloride‑Induced Acute and Chronic Hepatotoxicity in Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):124-129.
Yimam M, Jiao P, Hong M, Brownell L, Jia Q. Effect of UP165, a Zea mays Leaf Extract Standardized for 6‑methoxybenzoxazolinone, as Sleep Adjunct. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):156-160.
Bhukya BR, Yellu NR. Evaluation of AntiCancer Activity of Methanolic Extract of Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz on Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(3):309-313.
Lugun O, Bhoi S, Kujur P, D. Kumar V, Surin WR. Evaluation of Antithrombotic Activities of Solanum xanthocarpum and Tinospora cordifolia. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(1):98-103.
Jangir RN, Jain GC. Evaluation of Protective Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Cassia fistula Linn. Pod on Pancreas in Streptozotocin‑induced Diabetic Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):212.
Mondal S, Panigrahi N, Sancheti P, Tirkey R, Mondal P, Almas S, et al. Evaluation of Toxicological, Diuretic, and Laxative Properties of Ethanol Extract from Macrothelypteris Torresiana (Gaudich) Aerial Parts with In silico Docking Studies of Polyphenolic Compounds on Carbonic Anhydrase II: An Enzyme Target for Diuretic Acti. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):408-416.
Suryadevara V, Doppalapudi S, L.C SR, Anne R, Mudda M. Formulation and Evaluation of Anti‑Inflammatory Cream by Using Moringa oleifera Seed Oil. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):195-204.
Nair C., Ahamad S, Khan W, Anjum V, Mathur R. Gas Chromatography‑Mass Spectrometric Determination of Components of Leaves of Aegle marmelos and Psidium guajava and Seeds of Nigella sativa and Correlation with In vitro Antioxidant Activity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):230-235.
Na, sr SM, Ghareeb MA, Mohamed MA, Elwan NM, Abdel-Aziz AE, Abdel-Aziz MS. High‑Performance Liquid Chromatography‑Fingerprint Analyses, In vitro Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of the Extracts of Two Cestrum Species Growing in Egypt. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):179-180.
Ghareeb M, Saad A, Ahmed W, Refahy L, Na, sr S. HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS Characterization of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Strelitzia nicolai Leaf Extracts and Their Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities In vitro. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):368-378.
Parjapath R, Sali VK, Kannan SM, Kurapati A, Vasanthi HR. Hydroxycitric Acid‑Induced Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator‑Activated Receptors in 3T3‑L1 Adipocyte Cells. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(3):275-281.
Odeyemi SW, Afolayan AJ. Identification of Antidiabetic Compounds from Polyphenolic-rich Fractions of Bulbine abyssinica A. Rich Leaves. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(1):72-80.
Jha S, Gupta SK, Bhattacharyya P, Ghosh A, Mandal P. In vitro Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of Oligopeptides Derived from Different Mulberry (Morus alba L.) Cultivars. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):361-364.
Palanisamy CP, Kanakasabapathy D, Ashafa AO. In vitro Antioxidant Potential of Euclea crispa (Thunb.) Leaf Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(3):296-300.
Abhirama B., Rajagopal S, Neethu I., Ariya S., Athira B., Dhanalekshmi K.. In vitro Assessment of Antioxidant and Antiurolithic Activities of Ethanol Extract of Whole Plant Biophytum sensitivum (Linn.) DC. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):417-421.
Alhage J, Elbitar H, Taha S, Benvegnu T. In vitro Assessment of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, Anti‑inflammatory, and Antidiabetic Activities of Campanula retrorsa Crude Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(4):397-403.
Jacob J, Lakshmanapermalsamy P., Illuri R, Illuri R, Sangli GK, Mundkinajeddu D. In vitro Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential of Isolated Compounds and Various Extracts of Peel of Punica granatum L. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(1):44-48.
Gelen V, Çelebi F. In vitro Investigation Effects of 4‑Hydroxyacetophenone on Rat Thoracic Aorta’s Vasomotor Activity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(3):319-324.
Garige BS, Srisailam K, Rao VU. Innovative Research on Isolation, Characterization, and Identification of Bioactivity in the Isolated Constituent from Methanol Extract of Galphimia glauca cav. Stems. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(3):265-274.
Sayed AA, Ezzat SM, Mostafa SH, Zedan SZ, Abdel-Sattar E, Tanbouly NE. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship in Four Egyptian Flaxseed Genotypes. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(2):166-172.
Insanu M, Ramadhania ZM, Halim EN, Hartati R, Wirasutisna KR. Isolation of 5,7‑Dihydroxy, 6,8‑Dimethyl Flavanone from Syzygium aqueum with Its Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor Activities. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(1):60-63.
Oyagbemi AA, Omobowale TO, Adedapo AA, Yakubu MA. Kolaviron, Biflavonoid Complex from the Seed of Garcinia kola Attenuated Angiotensin II‑ and Lypopolysaccharide‑induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Nitric Oxide Production. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;8(5):50-55.
Naveen P, Lingaraju HB, Deepak M, Medhini B, K Prasad S. Method Development and Validation for the Determination of Caffeine: An Alkaloid from Coffea arabica by High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method. Pharmacognosy Research. 2018;10(1):88-91.
