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Onasanwo SA, Emikpe BO, Ajah AA, Elufioye TO. Anti-ulcer and Ulcer Healing Potentials of Musa Sapientum Peel Extract in the Laboratory Rodents. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):173-178.
Sopi RB, Khan MF. Bronchodilatory Effect of Ethanolic Extract of the Leaves of Nyctanthes Arbortristis,. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):169-172.
Motaghed M, Al-Hassan FM, Hamid SS. Cellular Responses with Thymoquinone Treatment in Human Breast Cancer cell line MCF-7. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):200-206.
Vattem DA, Lester CE, DeLeon RC, DeLeon RC, DeLeon RC. Dietary Supplementation with two Lamiaceae Herbs-(oregano and sage) Modulates Innate Immunity Parameters in Lumbric us Terrestris. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(1):1-9.
Yamamoto M, Yamaura K, Ishiwatari M, Ueno K. Difficulty for Consumers in Choosing Commercial Bilberry Supplements by Relying only on Product Label Information. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):212-215.
Nematbakhsh M, Zolfaghari B, Eshraghi F, Safari T, Pezeshki Z, Sorooshzadeh SM. The Effects of Unripe Grape Extract on Systemic Blood Pressure, Nnitric Oxide Production, and Response to Angiotensin II Administration. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2): 60-64.
Simpi CC, Nagathan CV, Karajgi SR, Kalyane NV. Evaluation of Marine Brown Algae Sargassum ilicifolium Extract for Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):146-149.
Singh G, Kumar P. Extraction, Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry Analysis and Screening of Fruits of Terminalia Chebula Retz. for its Antimicrobial Potential. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):162-168.
Nassar MI, Aboutabl E-, Eskander DM, Grace MH, EL-Khrisy E-, Sleem AA. Flavonoid Glycosides and Pharmacological Activity of Amphilophium Paniculatum. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(1):17-21.
Annan K, Dickson RA, Amponsah IK, Nooni IK. The Heavy Metal Contents of Some Selected Medicinal Plants Sampled from Different Geographical Locations. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2): 103-108.
Cordero-Pérez P, Torres-González L, Aguirre-Garza M, Camara-Lemarroy C, de la Garza FG, Alarcón-Galván G, et al. Hepatoprotective Effect of Commercial Herbal Extracts on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3): 150-156.
Chandrasekaran CV, Sundarajan K, Edwin JR, Gururaja GM, Mundkinajeddu D, Agarwal A. Immune-stimulatory and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Curcuma Longa Extract and its Polysaccharide Fraction. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):71-79.
Wisetmuen E, Pannangpetch P, Pannangpetch P, Kukongviriyapan U, Yutanawiboonchai W, Itharat A. Insulin Secretion Enhancing Activity of Roselle Calyx Extract in Normal and Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):65-70.
Bhore SJ, Preveena J, Kandasamy KI. Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Endophytes from Pharmaceutical Agarwood-producing Aquilaria Species. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):134-137.
Fayek NM, Monem AR, , Meselhy MR. New Triterpenoid Acyl Derivatives and Biological Study of Manilkara Zapota (L.) Van Royen Fruits. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):55-59.
Marimuthu S, Padmaja B, Nair S. Phytochemical Screening Studies on Melia Orientalis by GC-MS Analysis. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):216-218.
Velóz RA, Cardoso-Taketa A, Villarreal ML. Production of Podophyllotoxin from Roots and Plantlets of Hyptis Suaveolens Cultivated in vitro. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):93-102.
Owumi SE, Odunola OA, Gbadegesin MA, Nulah KL. Protective Effect of Juglans Nigra on Sodium Arsenite-induced Toxicity in Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):183-188.
Hussain A, Shadma W, Maksood A, Ansari SH. Protective Effects of Picrorhiza Kurroa on Cyclophosphamide-induced Immunosuppression in Mice. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(1):30-35.
Adetutu A, Oyewo EB, Adesokan AA. Protective Effects of Vernonia Amygdalina Against Sodium Arsenite-induced Genotoxicity in Rat. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3): 207-211.
Vishwakarma UR, Gurav AM, Sharma PC. Regeneration of Multiple Shoots from Petiole Callus of Viola Serpens Wall. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2): 86-92.
Yi L-, Li J, Bin Liu B-, Li C-. Screening of the Antidepressant-like Effect of the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Formula Si-Ni-San and their Possible Mechanism of Action in Mice. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(1):36-42.
Pai SR, Pawar NV, Nimbalkar MS, Kshirsagar PR, Kolar FK, Dixit GB. Seasonal Variation in Content of Camptothecin from the Bark of Nothapodytes Nimmoniana (Grah.) Mabb., using HPLC Analysis. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):219-223 .
Mohamed TK, Nassar MI, Gaara AH, El-Kashak WA, Brouard I, El-Toumy SA. Secondary Metabolites and Bioactivities of Albizia Anthelmintica. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(2):80-85.
Ebrahimpour S, Tabari MA, Youssefi MR, Aghajanzadeh H, Behzadi MY. Synergistic Effect of Aged Garlic Extract and Naltrexone on Improving Immune Responses to Experimentally Induced Fibrosarcoma Tumor in BALB/c Mice. Pharmacognosy Research. 2013;5(3):189-194.
