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Jiang Z-, Deng H-, Yu Z-, Ni J-, Kang S-. The Effect of Ultrafine Process on the Dissolution, Antibacterial Activity, and Cytotoxicity of Coptidis rhizoma. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(1):71-77.
Salleh NA, Ismail S, Halim MR. Effects of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Extracts and Their Constituents on Phase II Drug‑metabolizing Enzymes Activity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):309-315.
Dash R, Bin Emran T, Paul A, Siddique MK, Khan MA, Rahman M., et al. Effects of Five Bangladeshi Plant Extracts on In vitro Thrombolysis and Cytotoxicity. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):176-180.
Mauren FM, , Lay BW. Efficacy of Oral Curcuminoid Fraction from Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Curcuminoid Cider in High‑cholesterol Fed Rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):153-159.
Doshi GM, Nalawade VV, Mukadam AS, Chaskar PK, Zine SP, Somani RR, et al. Elucidation of Flavonoids from Carissa congesta, Polyalthia longifolia, and Benincasa hispida Plant Extracts by Hyphenated Technique of Liquid Chromatography‑mass Spectroscopy. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):281-286.
Chaturvedi P, Briganza V. Enhanced Synthesis of Curculigoside by Stress and Amino Acids in Static Culture of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn (Kali Musli). Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):193-198.
Hoekou YP, Tchacondo T, Karou SD, Koudouvo K, Atakpama W, Pissang P, et al. Ethnobotanical Study of Latex Plants in the Maritime Region of Togo. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(2):128-134.
Agbodeka K, Gbekley HE, Karou SD, Anani K, Agbonon A, Tchacondo T, et al. Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of Malaria in the Plateau Region, Togo. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(5):12-18.
Shankara B., Ramachandra Y., S. Rajan S, Ganapathy P., Yarla NS, Richard S., et al. Evaluating the Anticancer Potential of Ethanolic Gall Extract of Terminalia chebula (Gaertn.) Retz. (Combretaceae). Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):209-212.
Tamboli FA, More HN. Evaluation of Antiulcer and Antioxidant Activity of Barleria gibsoni Dalz. Leaves. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):226-230.
Verma S, Choudhary A, Maini S, Ravikanth K.. Evaluation of Efficacy of Herbal Intrauterine Infusion Uterofix Liquid in Treatment of Various Reproductive Disorders in Cows: A Field Study. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):173-175.
Roy S, Mukherjee S, Pawar S, Chowdhary A. Evaluation of In vitro Antiviral Activity of Datura metel Linn. Against Rabies Virus. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):265-269.
Roy S, Pawar S, Chowdhary A. Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity of Datura metel Linn. and Cynodon dactylon Linn. Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(2):123-127.
Apraj VD, Pandita NS. Evaluation of Skin Anti‑aging Potential of Citrus reticulata Blanco Peel. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):160-168.
Kashina S, Villavicencio LL, Balleza M, Sabanero GB, Tsutsumi V, López MS. Extracts from Flammulina velutipes Inhibit the Adhesion of Pathogenic Fungi to Epithelial Cells. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(5):56-60.
Ramnath MG, Thirugnanasampandan R, Mathusalini S, Mohan PS. Hepatoprotective and Cytotoxic Activities of Abietic Acid from Isodon wightii (Bentham) H. Hara. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):206-208.
Hashim S, Beh HK, Hamil MS, Ismail Z, Majid AM. High‑performance Thin‑layer Chromatography Method Development, Validation, and Simultaneous Quantification of Four Compounds Identified in Standardized Extracts of Orthosiphon stamineus. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):238-243.
Newadkar UR, Chaudhari L, Khalekar YK. Homeopathy in Dentistry: Is There a Role? Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):217.
de Carvalho EF, de Oliveira SK, Nardi VK, Gelinski TC, Bortoluzzi MC, Maraschin M, et al. Ilex paraguariensis Promotes Orofacial Pain Relief After Formalin Injection: Involvement of Noradrenergic Pathway. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(5):31-37.
Patro G, Bhattamisra SK, Mohanty BK, Sahoo HB. In vitro and In vivo Antioxidant Evaluation and Estimation of Total Phenolic, Flavonoidal Content of Mimosa pudica L. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(1):22-28.
Basu P, Maier C. In vitro Antioxidant Activities and Polyphenol Contents of Seven Commercially Available Fruits. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):258-264.
Garige BS, Keshetti S, Vattikuti UM. In vivo Study on Depressant Effects and Muscle Coordination Activity of Galphimia glauca Stem Methanol Extract. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):219-225.
Eshwarappa RS, Ramachandra Y., Subaramaihha SR, Subbaiah SG, Austin RS, Dhananjaya BL. In vivo Toxicity Studies on Gall Extracts of Terminalia chebula (Gaertn.) Retz. (Combretaceae). Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):199-201.
Oliveira FG, de Lima‑Saraiva SR, Oliveira AP, Rabêlo SV, Rolim LA, Almeida JR. Influence of the Extractive Method on the Recovery of Phenolic Compounds in Different Parts of Hymenaea martiana Hayne. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(4):270-275.
Kishore V., Yarla N., Zameer F., Prasad M., Santosh M., More S., et al. Inhibition of Group IIA Secretory Phospholipase A2 and its Inflammatory Reactions in Mice by Ethanolic Extract of Andrographis paniculata, a Well‑known Medicinal Food. Pharmacognosy Research. 2016;8(3):213-216.
