Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Selected Seeds from Fabaceae Family


Pharmacognosy Research,2024,16,3,508-517.
Published:June 2024
Type:Original Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Renjini Haridas1,*, Damini Sharma1, Divyani Singh1, Ankush Kumar1, Monika Singh1, Arun Kumar1, Bhargav Bhide2, Shivani Ghildiyal1, Pramod Yadav1, Meena Deogade1, Tanuja Manoj Nesari1

1Department of Dravya Guna, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, INDIA.

2All India Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH, Goa, INDIA.


Background: Indigenous medicines regularly suffer with quality controversies because of similar species or varieties, substituent, adulterants wrong identification and lack of availability of original herb. Objectives: In the search for authenticity of traditional medicine, seeds of four Fabaceae species, Abrus precatorius L., Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and Senna tora L. were investigated in order to obtain characteristic patterns and medicinal potentiality by the way of pharmacognostical analysis. Each drug posse’s excellent potential in Ayurvedic medicinal system. Materials and Methods: The essential parameters studied up for the pharmacognosy of given seeds were macroscopical study, histochemical evaluation, including transverse section, powder microscopy and physicochemical parameters. Results: The organoleptic and macroscopic profiles of seeds revealed the common characters like smooth surface and bitter taste. From the microscopical evaluation, oil globule, starch grains and prismatic type of calcium oxalate crystals were also found in the seed of P. pinnata. In A. precatorius, starch grains and yellowish cell content are present, but these are completely absent in other Fabaceae members, only mucilage content and oil globules present in Trigonella foenum-graecum and anthraquinone pigment cells and rosette type calcium oxalate crystals present in Senna tora. Conclusion: The current study report on pharmacognostical analysis will provides important diagnostic tool for future identification, authentication and evidence in correct identification.

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A: Seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum, B: Seeds of Senna tora, C: Seeds of Pongamia pinnata, D: Seeds of Abrus precatorius.


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