ArticlesAbstractPharmacognosy Research,2009,1,4,224-227.DOI:Published:January 2010 Type:Original ArticleAuthors:Aswatha Ram HN, Kaushik Ujjwal, Lachake Prachiti, and Shreedhara CS Author(s) affiliations:Aswatha Ram HN, Kaushik Ujjwal, Lachake Prachiti, Shreedhara CS Department of Pharmacognosy, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal – 576 104, Karnataka, INDIA. Abstract:Standardisation of herbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality of drugs, based on the concentration of their active principles. The present paper reports on standardisation of Avipattikar churna, a poly herbal ayurvedic medicine used as remedy for acidity and complications associated with it like headache, nausea and vomiting. It is also used as laxative and helps to increase appetite. Avipattikar churna was prepared as per Ayurvedic Formulary of India. In-house preparation and two marketed have been standardised on the basis of organoleptic characters, physical characteristics and physico-chemical properties. The set parameters were found to be sufficient to evaluate the churna and can be used as reference standards for the quality control/quality assurance laboratory of a Pharmaceutical house. Keywords:Avipattikar churna, Physicochemical parameters, Polyherbal formulation, StandardisationView:PDF (791.43 KB) PDF Thumbnails Document Outline Search Document Find Toggle Sidebar Previous Next Page: Fullscreen Print Download Current View Zoom Out Zoom In Automatic Zoom Actual Size Fit Page Full Width 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 200% More Information Less Information Close Click here to download the PDF file. Images Standardisation of Avipattikar Churna- A Polyherbal Formulation KeywordsAvipattikar churnaPhysicochemical parametersPolyherbal formulationStandardisation ‹ Evaluation of extracts of leaf of three Ficus deltoidea varieties for antioxidant activities and secondary metabolites up Preparation of Philippine Plant Extract Libraries for High- Throughput Screening ›